【Scholarship Application Announcement】


一、獎勵對象及請領資格Applicants and qualifications

當年度(含二月、九月註冊)入學就讀之博士班一年級新生。Doctoral students in the first year of registration, including those who registered in February and September.
如有下列情形之一者,不得請領本獎勵金Not eligible to apply for this scholarship are those who meet any of the following criteria:

  1. 於公私立機構從事專職全時之有給職工作或以在職生身分報考。Students who have full-time jobs or are applying as part-time students.
  2. 以香港、澳門及大陸地區學生身分入學。 Enroll as students from Hong Kong, Macau and China.
  3. 錄取後辧理休學、保留入學資格或未完成註冊。Suspension of study, retention of admission qualifications or failure to complete registration after admission.
  4. 已支領同屬政府部門獎學金性質經費。Has received scholarship funds from the government department.

二、申請資格與方式Application requirements and procedures

(一)申請資格Application requirements

  1. 經本校博士班甄試、考試就讀博士學位,成績優良及具有研究潛力且英語能力達一定程度之一年級新生(不含在職進修學生)。First-year freshmen (excluding on-the-job students) who have passed the doctoral program selection and examination of our school and are studying for a doctoral degree, have excellent academic performance, have research potential, and have a certain level of English proficiency.
  2. 錄取當年度博士班外籍生亦適用。(不含香港、澳門及大陸地區學生)It is also applicable to foreign students admitted to the doctoral program in that year. (Excluding students from Hong Kong, Macau and mainland China)

(二)申請文件(請檢附相關佐證資料)Application documents (please attach relevant supporting documents)

  1. 優秀博士生獎勵金申請表。Scholarship application form for outstanding doctoral students.
  2. 近兩年內英語能力證明影本測驗成績須高於()以下程度,全民英檢中高級(GEPT)複試、多益測驗(TOEIC)750分、國際英語測驗(IELTS)5.5級、或BULATS成績ALTE Level 3等國際性英語能力測驗。(B2級以上英語考試檢定及格,可參考教育部公告英語能力檢定對照表)。One copy of the last two years' English exam results. It must be higher than (inculding) the following levels: GEPT High-Intermediate retest, TOEIC 750 points, IELTS level 5.5, BULATS Score: ALTE Level 3, and other international English proficiency tests. (For level determination, please refer to the English proficiency test comparison table announced by the Ministry of Education.)
  3. 大學及碩士班或同等學歷之成績證明。Proof of academic results for bachelor's and master's degree programs or equivalent.
  4. 最近五年內已發表之學術論著(最多五篇,餘可列表供參考),論文以外國文字撰寫者,須附加中文摘要。Academic papers published in the last five years (maximum five, the rest can be listed for reference). If the paper is written in a foreign language, a Chinese abstract must be attached.
  5. 碩士畢業論文一份(無碩士論文者,得以相當之學術論著代替)。One copy of a master's degree thesis (if there is no master's thesis, it may be replaced by an equivalent academic work).
  6. 研究所所長推薦函一份。A letter of recommendation from the director of the institute.

(三)申請方式Application method

  1. 申請表如附件一,請於規定期限內向各所屬學術二級單位申請。The application form is at Annex 1. Please apply within the deadline.
  2. 逾期申請或資格不符者,均不予受理。Late applications or applications that do not meet the qualifications will not be accepted.