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Open audition for EU large-scale instrument training program in 2025

  • Deadline is September 27, 2024
  • Please provide :
  1. The resume in Chinese and English,
  2. A letter of recommendation in English from your supervisor 
  3. Documents proving your English proficiency.
  4. Chinese transcript for the latest semester
  • The training course is held in Grenoble, southeast France.
  • The training course will start on March 9 and end on April 12, 2025


HERCULES is a European course for PhD students and young researchers using Neutrons and Synchrotron Radiation for applications in Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Hard & Soft Condensed Matter.
The 5-week school includes lectures (60%), hands-on practicals, labs & tutorials (30%), visits, a poster session, group work sessions, ...
Participants will spend one week in a partner institution in Europe among:

  • ALBA in Barcelona, Spain
  • PETRA III and EU-XFEL in Hambourg, Germany
  • KIT light source in Karlsruhe, Germany
  • SOLEIL in Saint-Aubin, France

This comes in addition to practicals, labs, and tutorials which will take place in Grenoble at ILL, ESRF and Grenoble Laboratories (CNRS, IBS).

The school  includes a common part and two parallel sessions:
Physics and chemistry of condensed matter (session A)
Biomolecular and soft condensed matter (session B)



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